Nortrup in Development

Product Management, Tech, Bonsai and Other Assorted Sundries


Stoic Objectives

Last Post: 27 Feb 2023

Jeff Gothelf has a great post that brings together Product Managemet and my preferred philosophy, Stoicism.

Understanding our customers’ users is key to building products they’ll both love. Measuring your success based on your customers’ behavior is the only way for you to know for sure whether or not you’re delivering value and solving a real problem for them. Any user behaviors that are one step removed from your direct influence pose a risk to your key results.

#Product Management | #Stoicism | #Okr

Link Roundup 2023-02-25

Last Post: 25 Feb 2023

A quick roundup of the things I’ve been reading and enjoying this week

From Outputs to Outcomes: Bridging the Four Gaps

Itamar Gilad

Start using outcome goals right now where you can. For example if the mindset is ripe in some parts of the company, say certain product teams, start there. If you don’t have the infrastructure to run A/B experiments, start discovering your product using surveys, customer interviews, and fake door tests. Don’t wait for some “big-fix” that will take ages and may not really fix anything.

#Product Ops | #Product Operations | #Product Management | #Okr